In order for you to make your own baby toys, you have to rekindle the little child in you. In this day and age, the first trait a parent should have is practicality. You do know that your baby needs entertainment – probably lots and lots of it. But you also know that earning money for a living is harder so here’s a tip for you: be a savvy consumer! If you’re a new parent (or perhaps, a parent-to-be), consider making your own work of art – just for the sake of your little one. In the long run, your kids will definitely be able to appreciate that their mom or their dad really spent their precious time to get you entertained.

The Challenge

If you’re not into artsy-fartsy stuff (but who isn’t, right?), you could just go to any shop that sells ready-made toys, but since you are reading this, we believe you have what it takes to make your own baby toys. We all know art cannot be rushed or taken lightly – but here are a few starters. You could start by creating a tracking stick, glitter water, and a homemade drum. These are the easiest of the whole bunch! We challenge you to try them.

Of All Things Artsy

Let us start with the tracking stick. This toy is every easy to make. You just need to gather Popsicle sticks, a set of construction papers (preferably bright colors), and a hot glue gun. Start by cutting different shapes with the construction papers – a star, a diamond and a heart would do. Then after, stick the shapes into the Popsicle sticks.

Then after, let’s proceed with the glitter water. This is the easiest way to make your own baby toys. Gather an empty plastic water bottle, glitters and even marbles. Start by stuffing all of them into the water bottle and fill it two-thirds of the way. That’s it!

Lastly, the homemade drum. Gather an empty cardboard box, a string, and two wooden spoons. Start by making two holes on opposite sides of the box using a scissor. Then after, cut two pieces of string that is eight inches long (or depending on your child’s size). Thread the string into the holes and tie a knot on the insides of the box. Securely tape the box closed. And lastly, tie a spoon to each piece of string. And voila, let the banging begin!

This job isn’t really very challenging, it is very fun actually. You needn’t necessarily follow them. Along the way, you will find something that you would rather prefer than what’s written here and there’s no problem with that. After all, a little bit of creativity won’t hurt if you make your own baby toys.